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Computer Shortcut Keys

 Shortcut Keys 

Ctrl + A = Select all contents of the page

Ctrl + B = Bold highlighted selection

Ctrl + X = Cut selected text

Ctrl + C = Copy selected text

Ctrl + V = Paste selected text 

Ctrl + F = Open find box

Ctrl + H = Open replace box

Ctrl + G or F5 = Go to

Ctrl + I = Italicize highlighted section

Ctrl + J = Justify paragraph

Ctrl + K = Insert hyperlink

Ctrl + U = Underline highlighted section

Ctrl + Shift + D = Double underline highlighted selection

Ctrl + Shift + W = Underline word

Ctrl + P = Open the print window

Ctrl + Y = Repeat the last action performed

Ctrl + Z = Undo last action 

Ctrl + L = Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen

Ctrl + E = Aligns the line or selected text to the center of the screen

Ctrl + R = Aligns the line or selected text to the right of the screen

Ctrl + M = Indent the paragraph

Ctrl + N = New document 

Ctrl + O = Open document

Ctrl + Shift + F = Change the font

Shift + F3 = Underline words but not spaces

Ctrl + Shift + A = Format letters as all capitals

Ctrl + Shift + K = Format letters as small capitals

Ctrl + Shift + W = Underline words but not spaces

Ctrl + F3 = Cut to the Spike

Ctrl + Shift + F3 = Insert/Paste the contents of the Spike

Ctrl + Shift + F10 = Activate the ruler

Ctrl + Shift + F10 = Activate the ruler

Alt + Ctrl + S = Split the document window

Alt + Shift + C = Remove the document window split

Ctrl + Shift + > = Increase selected font

Ctrl + left arrow = Moves one word to the left

Ctrl + right arrow = Moves one word to the right

Ctrl + up arrow = Moves to the beginning of the line or paragraph

Ctrl + down arrow = Moves to the end of the paragraph

Ctrl + Del = Deletes word to the right of cursor

Ctrl + Backspace = Deletes word to the left of cursor

Ctrl + End = Moves the cursor to the end of the document

Ctrl + Home = Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document

Ctrl + Spacebar = Reset highlighted text to the default font


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